Creatively Managing and Resolving Disputes


In ARBITRATION, I strive to ensure a fair, impartial process for all parties and ultimately an enforceable award. As a trained arbitrator (FCIarb), lawyer and litigator, I am well positioned to offer parties this more formalised dispute resolution process, where appropriate.

Arbitration can be complex, technical and based in law. It is highly unlikely that a party goes to arbitration without legal representation. Hence my top tips are also aimed at legal representatives, likely to represent their clients at these proceedings.

My top 5 tips are:

  • Put your best foot forward; focus succinctly on what is key to your case.
  • Be honest and brief to limit endless pre-arbitral and hearing mechanisms like Discovery, Witness and Expert testimony.
  • Be knowledgeable about the management of the arbitration: time involved before, during and after; timing of the various parts; detail as to costs, who and what will be involved, so you can plan.
  • Anticipate your next steps whether the Award goes for or against you.
  • For the best chance of success, use all the above tips as you step through the process, to provide the Arbitrator with a blueprint for the Award
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